2024 Election Dread

And The Two Questions of Babylon 5 or When Life Imitates Art It’s Not Always as Pretty

Ellen Beth Gill
4 min readJan 8, 2024

I spent 2023 dreading 2024, and then things got worse. I spent the holidays rewatching my favorite space opera television show, Babylon 5. Some of the themes of Babylon 5 remind me of what I expect from the USA’s 2024 general election. Expect some high-level spoilers but no detailed spoilers.

In Babylon 5, the main villains are not individuals but two species of First Ones. First Ones are the older species in the galaxy. The villain species stuck around after most First Ones traveled beyond the rim to let the younger species run the galaxy. The villains didn’t stick around for purposes of general villainy but to guide the younger species and help them become successful galaxy leaders and eventually mentor even younger species. They disagreed on the best strategy for creating a fabulous galaxy but agreed on certain rules of engagement for everyone’s safety. However, when the younger species disappointed them, both renounced their old rules of engagement and almost slaughtered everyone in the process. That’s a lot of currently impossible faster-than-light-speed travel, so I’m not too worried about First Ones and their villainy. I’m worried about what the themes represent in our reality.

Each of the two villainous First One species asks its own question of the younger species, and the question represents their strategy for galaxy success. I’m not saying my interpretation of these…

