A Brief Statement About Tonight's “Debate” and Media Coverage

Ellen Beth Gill
1 min readJun 28, 2024

It’s clear which candidate should win the November 2024 Presidential election. Americans have no viable choice other than the too-old, tone-deaf, capitalist over the too-old, dangerous, demagogue, nazi. It’s not clear who will win. The media wants the old nazi.

Tonight’s “debate” was little more than an audition by the news media, particularly CNN, the host network, but also the other news networks that online fact-checked Biden with precision while accepting Trump’s string of lies. They’re all auditioning for an approved, official state media outlet. They all want a fascist dictatorship. They all see profit in fascism. The winner and perhaps a runner-up will hit the jackpot. The rest will be out of business. They’re willing to take that gamble… at our expense.

Remember the old Soviet saying, “There is no Pravda in Izvestia, and there is no Izvestia in Pravda.” That’s going to be our new saying unless everyone ignores the debates and news of the debates and votes to keep Trump and his Republican liars, felons, conpeople, and coup orchestrators out of office. But after over a decade as a political activist and another as an observer, I don’t think Americans will do the right thing. They usually follow the crowd even if the crowd is jumping off a cliff.

