Appeasement Didn’t Work Before WWII. It won’t work now.

Ellen Beth Gill
3 min readJul 19, 2024

Last night, I was astounded by the sheer number of “Kumbaya, baby. Trump won’t be so bad,” Medium posts. I shouldn’t have been surprised. Many white Christians are sure they’ll be able to ride out the storm and aren’t too concerned about sacrificing people who won’t, even women who are destined to lose all health care, not just reproductive health care — can’t have that necessary chemo, honey, it may harm that unborn baby you’re not pregnant with but one day could be.** It was the same during Covid when the majority who recovered from illness happily sacrificed older and less healthy people for the sake of not wearing uncomfortable and embarrassing-looking masks and going to the movies.

**This isn’t hyperbole. Walgreens recently tried to deny me a prescribed medication because it could harm my unborn child. I wasn’t pregnant, and I’m 64 years old. I laughed at the pharmacist, argued and they eventually relented but this happened before Trump 2.0, Vance, and Project2025.

Trump’s not the problem, all by himself. Last night proved he’s a bumbling, senile old fool. No, it’s not Trump. It’s all the people behind him, the foreign dictators and oligarchs anxious to get ahold of the US Treasury and weapons stores. It’s also his American supporters, who, in case you missed it, performed a long, loud

