Choose your dictator — orderly

Ellen Beth Gill
5 min readJul 4, 2024

I know. I know. We’re supposed to say you must vote for the elderly, infirm, geriatric because only Democrats will save democracy. That’s not what’s been happening for the past 40 years, but we’re supposed to say it. I’m done.

Actually, I was done years ago after witnessing fake democracy in action, but things got so bad that I actually voted for the way too old guy who opposed school desegregation, voted to limit the Civil Rights Act of 1964, supported George W. Bush’s Iraq War, and presided over berating Anita Hill and refusing additional witnesses to her claims, thereby anointing free vacation Clarence onto the court forever.

Yes. Republicans are Nazis. Trump is a real-life cartoon villain. The kangaroo court just handed him an automatic weapon and told him it’s okay to start shooting, and after he clearly stated he plans on physically harming opponents, too. It’ll be interesting to see how the supreme court figures out a way to characterize raping a 13-year-old as an official presidential act, but I expect they will. Choosing Trump as our dictator is probably the worst decision this country will make after its original worst decision, allowing the South to keep slaves and enact them as three-fifths of a person.

But stop arguing Democrats will save democracy.

Democracy. Don’t make me laugh.

First of all, they didn’t lift a pinky to save us from Reagan and tried to out-Reagan Reagan ever since. The Clintons started the DLC for the…

