It’s not just the Hitler Stuff from Trump

The world is reinacting the leadup to WWII because it serves the rich and bigoted

Ellen Beth Gill
10 min readJun 13, 2024

I’ve been researching the causes of WWII for a short story based on my grandfather's life working at a munitions plant in Indiana during WWII — and then, of course, putting him in space to solve his story conflict because that’s what I do.

Here on Earth, my post-WWI and WWII research is worse than spooky. It sounds familiar, like recently familiar. That’s not news to any of you. But I’m finding that it’s not just Trump and his favorite Hitler quotes that sound familiar. It’s the post-WWI conditions that oligarchs around Europe, Russia, and the USA manufacture to create similar confusion and discontent.

Post WWI

Regular German people had a hard time swallowing Germany’s WWI defeat. First, German leaders sold the war as a defensive war as the UK, Russia, and France had allied to dominate them. However, despite their protests over blame, Germany invaded first, invading France through Belgium after Russia mobilized internally in response to the Austro-Hungarian declaration of war on Serbia. And it was an old plan to invade France called the Schlieffen Plan. It was something German leaders wanted to do even before Gavrilo Princip shot Franz Ferdinand of Austria and Sophie. If that sound familiar, it should. The Patriot Act and Iraq War plans were created before 9/11.

