The Democratic Party is the Worst Messaging Machine Ever

Highlighting your candidate’s weakness isn’t a Clio Award-winning campaign.

Ellen Beth Gill
4 min readJun 30, 2024

The memes are so bad they’d be laughable if they weren’t so sad and dangerous.

Are you kidding me? Without further context, I’d think this meme came from the RNC, but it’s coming from Democrats. The quote is attributed to the long-deceased Maggie Kuhn, who founded the Gray Panthers. This has nothing to do with Kuhn because she’s been dead since 1995. It has a lot to do with admitting Biden is weak. I’m not trying to say Kuhn was wrong for activism in general — to encourage regular people, people not used to speaking up, to assert their voice. But Biden is not a regular person. He’s the President seeking a second term against a ginormous lying corporate media machine. The last thing Democrats should highlight is Biden’s age and how much his age shows. All you’re doing is highlighting the weaknesses his opponents will crush him under.

Are you kidding me again? Poor Joe. Joe has bad nights, just like patients in the memory ward of your local nursing home. Don’t abandon him; it isn’t presidential messaging…

